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Next Sibling   3655

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Born: 11/20/1677 St. Sepulchre's parish, Longon, England
Married: 01/01/1690 (12) PA
Died: 03/27/1727 (49) Solesbury, PA
Father:   {2062} John Scarborough (1648 - 1706) (57)
Mother:   {2063 } Sarah (ASHBY) Scarborough ( - )
Mother/Wife: {2049} Mary (PIERSON) SCARBOROUGH
Born: 01/01/1666 London, England
Married: 01/01/1690 (24) PA
Died: 01/23/1751 (85) PA
1 {2057} William Scarborough    b12/30/1691 [Middletown, PA],
       { 2060 }   Alice (LONGSHORE) Scarborough   
2 {594} Sarah Mary (SCARBOROUGH) Haworth    b03/02/1694 [Middleton, PA], d03/04/1748 [Bucks Co., PA]    ( 54.0)
       { 3753 }   Matthew David Hall    b01/01/1694 [Birmingham, England], d09/18/1766 [Marple, PA]    ( 72.7)
3 {2050} Mary (Pickering) (SCARBOROUGH) Lupton    b08/08/1695 [Buckingham Twp., PA], d01/01/1787 [Frederick Co., VA]    ( 91.3)
       { 3769 }   Joseph Lupton   
4 {2051} Susannah (SCARBOROUGH) Brock    b08/31/1697 [Bucks Co., PA], d01/01/1727 [Bucks Co., PA]    ( 29.3)
       { 2055 }   Richard Brock   
5 {2054} Elizabeth (SCARBOROUGH) Fisher    b01/01/1699 [], m10/01/1719 [], d01/01/1742 [Bucks Co., PA]    ( 43.0)
       { 2058 }   John Fisher   
6 {2124} John Scarborough    b01/01/1704 [Bucks Co., PA], d01/01/1769 []    ( 65.0)
       { 2127 }   Jane (MARGENUM) Scarborough   
7 {2126} Hannah (SCARBOROUGH) Fell    b08/14/1704 [Solebury, PA], d02/21/1743 [Solebury, PA]    ( 38.5)
       { 2129 }   Benjamin Fell   
8 {2128} Robert Scarborough    b06/10/1708 [Bucks Co., PA], d06/19/1805 [WV]    ( 97.0)
       { 2133 }   Elizabeth Scarborough   
End of Children List
General Notes for John Scarborough
In 1682 John came to America at the age of 15. He was a friend of William Penn. He was left in PA by his father who returned to England to fetch his wife but she died and he did not return. John is said to have run away from the family he was left with and lived with the indians and served as William Penn's interpreter. About 1690 John married Mary. They moved to Solesbury in 1700 and bought land there in 1705. Built several cabins on their land and gave shelter to poorer member of the family when they needed it. Being great workers themselves they had no use for loafers. They were members of Buckingham MM in whose records John is memorialized thus: " his youth somewhat airy...a man of remarkable self denial and endured with much mildness...with loving and deportment."

This page intends only to give information about the Scarborough ancestors and immediate family of John Scarborough and his two daughters, Mary Scarborough (1695-1787) who married twice, Samuel Pickering (d. 1727/8), and then Joseph Lupton, Jr. (d. 1758), and Elizabeth Scarborough (1699-1742) who married John Fisher (d. 1765). However, thanks to the generous contributions of information from distant cousins, some additional individuals have crept in.

The name Scarborough, like most in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, had multiple spelling variations: Scarbrough (which the family seemed to prefer), Scarboro, Scarbrow, Scardeburg, Scarburg, Searborough (which is the spelling in abstracts of three wills filed in Bucks County before 1790—or, more likely, the abstractor's interpretation of the handwritten 17th century "c"), and finally Scarborough (uniformly in use by 1800).[1]

The ancestors of our John Scarborough had been somewhat of a mystery. While information offered on the web traces the family back to the sixteenth century, some sites give no sources, others quote one another. There are at least two proposed lineages, neither of them documented or proved. However, in December 2009 Marilyn London Winton Totten, Chair of the Historical Research Committee of the Haworth Association of America, kindly sent me the fruit of her extensive research, and graciously gave permission for me to include it here.

First, the myth of a progenitor named Isaac Scarborough is entirely without basis in fact. Secondly, Marilyn discovered the small village of Soulbury in Buckinghamshire, and noted the similarity of names with John Scarborough's later home in Solebury, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Her investigation in 1996 revealed that there were Scarboroughs living in the small parish of Soulbury in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. She confirmed the line that will be given here. It should lay to rest the spurious genealogies circulating around the web, and for those who have already used some of her research without attribution, it can provide credit to the one to whom it is due, who actually did the research.[2]

This web page uses the National Genealogical Society's numbering system which is a bit different from that used on the Scarborough/Haworth page.

English Ancestors

William C Scarborough was born between ca. 1563 and 1570. He married Agnes FARRAR on 21 January 1580/1 at Woburn, Bedfordshire, near the Buckinghamshire border. Agnes died before William; his will was dated 29 August 1616, and probated 24 September 1616.[3] Both William and Agnes are most probably buried in the churchyard of "old" St. Mary's in Woburn.

Children of William and Agnes (Farrar) Scarborough, all baptised at St. Mary's in Woburn:[4]

ix. William>B, bapt. 4 Nov. 1599; d. 28 Feb. 1680/1; m(1) 21 Jan. 1628/9 Agnes KING; m(2) Anne __.

William B Scarborough, the ninth child of ten, and third of four surviving sons of William and Agnes (Farrar), was baptised 4 November 1599 at St. Mary's in Woburn, Bedfordshire. He died 28 Twelfth Month [February] 1680/1 in London. This is confirmed by Quaker records which state he was "aged 82" when he died. William married in Soulbury, Buckinghamshire, Agnes KING on 21 January 1628/9. She was probably the female of that name who was baptised in nearby Swanbourne on 12 November 1597, the daughter of John King. Agnes was buried in Soulbury on 22 March 1638/9. She probably died from complications following the birth of her son John in January or February. William married a second time, someone named Anne __.[5]

William was a resident of Hosier Lane in London. He was convinced of the faith and practice of Friends and was a member of Peel Monthly Meeting. The meetinghouse was one of the earliest in London, at 65/67 St John's Street.[6]

Although it is said that both William, Jr. and his son John, Sr., were buried in Bunhill Fields, outside the walls of London, actually their remains were interred in a separate small Quaker-owned burial ground in Checker Alley, a few hundred feet from the much larger and very crowded burial ground of Bunhill Fields. The Meeting record reads that they were buried at "Checker Alley [next to] Bunhill Fields." Interestingly, George Fox, assumed to be buried in Bunhill Fields, was also interred in the Checker Alley ground. Marilyn searched it out and found that now it is the playground of a small pre-school, partly grass and partly asphalt playground. There is a bust of George Fox on a pedestal on the grassy part.[7] I'm not sure Fox would have approved.

Children of William and his first wife, Agnes (King) Scarborough: [8]

i. Joanna, bapt. 6 Nov. 1631;

ii. Robert, bapt. 1 Jan 1633/4;

iii. William, bapt. 10 oct 1636;

iv. John, bapt 14 Feb. 1638/9;

Children of William and his second wife, Anne (__) Scarborough:

v. Elizabeth, bapt. 4 Sept. 1642;

vi. Baldwin, bapt. 10 Feb. 1643/4;

vii. Roger, bapt. 6 July 1645;

First Generation to Go to Pennsylvania

The earliest person in the Scarborough line on whom I have been able to do any research myself is John (1) Scarborough, son of William and Agnes "Scarbrow", who was baptized 14 February 1638/9 in St. Mary's Church in Soulbury, Buckinghamshire. He died 11 April 1706 at his home in London. John married Sarah ASHBY on 23 February 1663 in St. Bride's Church on Fleet Street, London. Sarah was born ca. 1648 in London, the daughter of William and Susanna (__) Ashby. Sarah survived John.[9]

Marilyn Totten visited St. Bride's Church, which had been bombed and burned during the blitz in World War II. "During the rebuilding they discovered all the ancient foundations, the crypt and a great many bones, perhaps unfortunate victims of the Great Plague of London in 1666. One can now visit these fascinating things under the church."[10]

John could write, and probably read, as well, although in the seventeenth century those two skills were not always coterminous. His signature (as it appeared on his will in 1696) is to the right, above. In seventeenth century script a lower case "c" does not look like it does today.[11]

John and Sarah lived in St. Sepulcre parish in London. Sarah was not a Friend, and their children were christened at St. Sepulcre, the local Anglican church.[12]

St. Sepulchre without Newgate is a parish in London, but outside the old city walls, now in Holborn deanery. Originally it was called St. Edmunds, but was renamed by returning crusaders. The church that the Scarboroughs would have known was built in 1440. It escaped the great fire of 1666, and was later modernized, sometime before the mid-nineteenth century. Samuel Lewis wrote in 1842 that the "fine groined Porch" (entrance) and "lofty square tower with tall angular pinnacles", "together with the interior, show that it must, before its modernization, have been a noble edifice of English architecture."[13]

John was a blacksmith and coach-smith in London. He was a Friend, a member of Peel Monthly Meeting, but I do not know when he joined that despised group of radical Christians. The meetings for worship were held in Peel Court, near 65 St. John Street. John is said to be mentioned in the minutes of that meeting on 26th of Tenth Month [December], 1677, but I do not know the context, as I have not seen the minutes myself.[14] John "suffered much, by persecution for his religion".[15] But then, so did most Friends in the early decades of their radical experience of the transformative power of Christ.

On 4 Seventh Month [September] 1682 John purchased for £5 from William Penn 250 acres to be laid out in Pennsylvania. This made him a "First Purchaser", entitled also to a lot in the new city of Philadelphia.[16] He emigrated to Bucks County in 1682 with his oldest son, John, leaving his wife and younger children in England. The land was laid out in Middletown Township, Bucks County. On the Holmes map it can be seen as part of a bloc assigned to "Widdow Hurst" [Hayhurst], Richard Thatcher, Nicholas Walne, and John Town. John "Scarbrow" was one of the first settlers in the new township.

Robert Proud in 1742, able to speak with people whose memories went back to the early days of Pennsylvania, wrote the following about John Scarborough. Since there is so little material that tries to describe the experience of a specific individual, I will quote it in full. Italics and punctuation are in the original.

During his residence in Pennsylvania, provisions being sometimes scarce, in that part, where he resided, especially in the first year, he is said to have had occasion to remark the providence of God to him, and those near him, when they were under greater difficulty, on this account, than at other times.

The wild pigeons [i.e. passenger pigeons] came in such great numbers, that the air was sometimes darkened by their flight; and, flying low, they were frequently knocked down, as they flew; in great quantities, by those who had no other means to take them: whereby they supplied themselves; and have salted those, which they could not immediately use, they preserved them, both for bread and meat.

Thus they were supplied several times, during the first two or three years, till they had raised, by their industry, food sufficient out of the ground:— for the tilling of which, at that time, they used Hoes, having neither horses nor plows. — The Indians were remarkably kind, and very assistant to them, in divers respects, frequently supplying them with such provisions, as they could spare, &c.[17]

After working for two years preparing a home and farm, John sailed back to England to get his wife. Young John was left under the care of a Friend, or Friends (meaning the meeting), and in charge of the farm. John Sr. gave strict instructions to his son that "when it should be in his power, to be kind to the poor Indians, for the favours he had received from them: which his son faithfully observed, and complied with". John’s wife, not being a Friend, declined to move to the wilderness of Pennsylvania. Proud also suggested that since persecution of Friends was easing, that was also a reason John was willing to remain in England. However, persecution didn't really end for most Friends until after the general toleration of William and Mary in 1689. Even then they were persecuted with widely varying degrees of strictness, for refusal to pay tithes to support a government-established church that did not give them any spiritual nourishment. Anyway, John remained with his wife, and on 15 October 1696 he gave his son John power of attorney to convey the land.[18]

John signed his will 15 October 1696, being at the time in "perfect health". He identified himself as a blacksmith in the parish of St. Sepulcher, London. Whether or not it was ever probated, an original signed copy was passed down in the family until a photocopy of it finally came to rest in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It was witnessed by William PENN Jr., Thomas BARNARD, Samuel HARRISON, and Robert HUTCHINSON. He gave his son John 250 acres in Bucks County with the "Town Lott" (in Philadelphia). One end of the 250 acres butted on William Packston [sic: Paxson] and James Packston's [sic: Paxson] land, and the other end on the land of "Nicholas Waughan" [sic: Waln]. After son John's death 150 acres was to go to grandson William, while the remaining 100 acres were left to John Jr.'s "sole disposall". Everything of John Sr.'s in England was left to his "Dear and Loveing wife Sarah", who was named executrix. At her death the residue was to be divided equally between their children William and Elizabeth.[19] Presumably any other children had died by 1696, or other provisions had been made for them.

There are several suggestions for the date of John's death: 11 April, or 21 Fifth Month 1706 [which if correctly written in Old Style would be July, if incorrect would be May. See note on Old Style dates.] He reportedly was buried in May in Bunhill Fields, where George Fox and many other London Friends were buried, as well as many victims of the 1665 plague. See above about the Checker Alley Burial Ground. John was said to be aged sixty (which would have given him a birth year of 1646).[20]

Children of John and Sarah (Ashby) Scarborough:[14]

i. Anne, b. 28 Nov. 1664; chris. 1 Dec., St. Sepulchre, Holbron parish, London; d. 27 Sept. 1666.

ii. John, b. ca. 1667; d. 27/1m/1727 in Buckingham, Bucks Co., Penna; m. Mary __.

iii. William b. 1 Jan. 1671; chris. 9 Mar., St. Sepulchre, Holbron parish, London; d. 10 Aug. 1673. His father bequeathed to him half of his "personall Estate here in England which consists of ready money bonds bills debts securities goods household stuffe Chattles and Implements of my trade whatsoever" after the death of William's mother who had the use of all of these things during her life.

iv. Susanna, b. 6 Mar. 1672; chris. 4 Jan., St. Sepulchre, Holbron parish, London; perhaps d. before 15 Oct. 1696 when her father wrote his will without mentioning her.

v. Sarah, b. 3 Aug. 1674; d. 15 Aug. 1674.

vi. Elizabeth, b. 14 Oct. 1675; chris. 17 Oct., St. Sepulchre, Holbron parish, London; was the only daughter mentioned in her father's will. She was to receive the other half of the "personall Estate here in England" with her brother William after the death of their mother.

Second Generation in Pennsylvania

John (2) Scarborough, son of John and Sarah (Ashby), was born in 1667 in St. Sepulchre's parish, London. He died 27 First Month [March] 1727, said to be aged 60. John married Mary __. She was born ca. 1666 in England, and died 13 First Month (March) 1751, aged 85 years. Mary's maiden name and parents remain a matter of great speculation and controversy. However, it appears that we can safely lay to rest the myth that her surname was Pierson, and her parents were Lawrence Pierson and Elizabeth Janney. Paul Palmer of Texas has marshalled some impressive documentation to pretty much disprove the Pierson connection. [If the link is broken, try -> Articles -> Spotlight -> Bogus Ancestries -> Pearson (Peirson) Family.]

John came to Middletown with his father while still teenager, probably about 15 years old, in 1682. He remained there, looking after the farm, when his father returned to England in 1684. It is possible that he was apprenticed to Thomas GLADDING, a blacksmith of Edgewater park, Burlington County, across the Delaware from the mouth of the Neshaminy. There is a due bill given to John Scarborough by Thomas Gladding on file in Doylestown. It could have been "freedom money" for an apprentice. But all of this is speculation.[15] Family tradition holds that John ran away and resided several years with the Native Americans, learning their language. Later he served as interpreter during treaty negotiations. It is said that he was instrumental in preventing an Indian War. It has also been reported that John was a great friend of the Indians, and later visited them while traveling in the ministry.[16]

John married about 1690 Mary __ who many genealogists assume to have been Mary PIERSON or PEARSON, the daughter of Robert and Mary (JANNEY). That Mary was born in London in 1666, although her parents were originally from Pownall Fee in Cheshire.[17] I have been unable to find a record of this marriage in Middletown, Falls, Philadelphia, or Burlington Monthly Meeting records. In fact there is a great deal of speculation about her surname, with suggestions ranging from Gladding to a Native American of the Delaware tribe. There is a suggestion that Mary had married first John FARR of Hunterdon County, New Jersey. John Farr's mother Sarah, in her will dated 5 August 1698 mentioned Mary Scarborough, but she did not mention a relationship and most wills usually did. Women often left things to their female friends. Also there is no proof that the Mary Scarborough in Sarah Farr's will is "ours". I cannot find a record of a certificate of removal for Mary (__) Scarborough to Middletown meeting. If a reader has documentation of where John and Mary were married, and when, I would be delighted to hear from you, and so would dozens of other Scarborough descendants.

John was active in Middletown Meeting, and the births of their first four children are recorded there.[18]

With the power of attorney from his father dated 1696, John sold the land in Middletown and purchased 510 acres in Solebury, on which he settled about 1700. This is marked as Tract 10, colored yellow on the map. Later in March 1709 he exchanged it with Jacob HOLCOMBE for 820 acres adjoining. This is Tract 8, marked in orange. John was supposedly the first white man to settle in the Buckingham-Solebury valley.[19] At least a few years ago there was a fairly large tract of the Scarborough homestead, untouched by "development". Down by a small lake to the east of the present big house is the site of an original small log house. It was lived in by John's granddaughter Sarah and her husband George Haworth; it was probably the first home built there by John Jr. The foundations of a two- or three-room stone house that John probably built are still visible as part of the much larger stone house probably built by his son.[19a]

Friends began to meet for worship in Buckingham 1701, and on 5 Sixth Month 1702 John Scarborough and John BYE asked Falls Meeting to set off a meeting for worship at Buckingham, which was granted. It was held at Thomas Bye's house. In 1706 a meeting house was built. However, this was still a part of Falls Meeting, where the monthly meetings for "discipline" (church governance) were held. In 1720 there were sufficient Friends in Buckingham, and the trip to Falls still being a hardship, the Quarterly Meeting allowed Buckingham to be a Monthly Meeting in its own right. A few random minutes from the Buckingham Monthly Meeting records show that John was asked to be on a discipline committee to speak with a Friend whose behavior gave cause for concern (3/8m/1721, 7/9m. and continuing). He was appointed to marriage clearness committees on 3/5m/1722 and 3/1m/1723/4 to ascertain if a couple were free from other obligations and were clear to marry. The latter was for a certificate for James PAXSON to take to the home meeting of his intended bride, Mary HORSEMAN. On 2/10m/1724 a certificate was requested to enable John Scarborough to attend the select meeting of ministers and elders as a minister. The following month (5 Eleventh Month [January] 1724/5) this was granted, Friends noting that he doesn't speak very much.[20] Translating Quaker terminology, the recording of this minute meant that Friends in Buckingham Meeting acknowledged that John had a gift for ministry and thus was to meet with the other ministers and elders in closed, or "select" meetings for worship and business in which these men and women could meet together each month to deepen their own spiritual life and watch over the life of the meeting.

In addition to his religious duties, John was named a commissioner to lay out the road from Reading’s ferry (now Centre Bridge) to Philadelphia.[21]

John died 27 First Month (March) 1727. Proud summed up his life and character with typical Quaker understatement: John "is said to have been a worthy man, and of good character."[22]

John had signed his will 13 First Month [March] 1726/7, witnessed by Thomas CANBY, Henry PAXSON, and Joseph FELL. It was proved 2 October 1727. He named his wife Mary and sons John and William to be the executors. His "loveing wife" was left "During her naturall life" 200 acres "having the lake meadow therein". He bequeathed to his third son Robert a farm of 150 acres in the northeast corner of his tract. John bequeathed the "Liberty Lot" at Fifth and Spruce Streets in Philadelphia (granted to his father as a First Purchaser) to be divided among his sons, William, John, and Robert. In addition, there were specific bequests of some personal property. William was given his "Bible & brass mortar"; Robert his "Silver Dram Cup & my Pewter Salt Seller"; daughter Sarah HAWORTH was given his "brass warming Pan"; daughter Mary PICKERING was given his "Great Iron Pottage Pott"; daughter Elizabeth FISHER was given his "Silver Spoon & a Pinquishin with a Drawer for it & a Pewter Still"; and daughter Hannah Scarborough was given "one Brass Candle Stick & a Pair of Iron Snuffers & a Joint Stool". He also mentioned grandchildren James Haworth, John, Elizabeth, Mary, and Susanna BROCK, and Samuel Pickering. Son William received 60 acres outright and was to get the 200 acres after his mother died.[23]

A variety of sources claim that Mary married for a second time, Philip TORREY. However, Dan Kangley has kindly pointed out to me that Philip and Alice Torrey emigrated to Massachusetts in 1640. Their son Philip settled in Roxbury where he married a woman named Mary, the widow of John Scarborough, on 1 October 1647. Date and place are wrong for our Mary, however, so it seems this error can safely be laid to rest. Our Mary died 23 January 1751 in Buckingham.[24] She does not seem to have left a will.

Children of John and Mary (__) Scarborough: i. William3 Scarborough, b. 30/10m/1691 in Middletown; d. 4 Second Month (April) 1727; m. 1712 Alice LONGSHORE, daughter of Robert and Margaret (COOK); Alice b. 2 Jun 1694, d. 1724. William was disowned by Falls MM on 1/2m/1713 for disunity; I need to check the original minutes to learn what was going on.[25] William was identified as a turner of Solebury when he signed his will 27/2m [Apr.] 1727. He bequeathed to his son William the 200 acres left to him by his father, John. William named his brother John executor and gave him to occupy "and enjoy" the 200 acres until the debt was paid to the loan office. Son William was to live with him. Son "Uclides" [sic: Euclides] was given the 60 acres on which John had been living, and was to be put apprentice to John HEAD to learn the art of making German wheels. John also mentioned his three daughters: Lydia, Martha, and Sarah. The will was witnessed by Henry PAXSON, Thomas CANBY, and Benjamin Canby.[26]

ii. Sarah Scarborough, b. 4/2m/1694 in Middletown; d. 4/3m/1748; m(1) in the Buckingham meeting house on 28/9m/1710 George HAWORTH and settled in Upper Buckingham. George d. 1730. They had at least one son, John Haworth who m. Mary GARNER, and who were the great, great, great grandparents of President Herbert Clark HOOVER. [27] Sarah m(2) 1731 Mathew HALL, originally from Staffordshire; they had 4 children.[28]

iii. Mary Scarborough, b. 8/8m/1695 in Middletown; d. 10 January 1787 in Opeckan, Frederick Co., Va.; m(1) 7/9m/1712 Samuel PICKERING; m(2) 1730 Joseph LUPTON Jr.[29]

iv. Susannah Scarborough, b. 19/5m/1697 in Middletown; d. before her father, in 1726?; her marriage to Richard BROCK was reported to Falls MM on 4/12m [Feb.] 1718/9; 4 or 5 children. Her daughter, Susannah Brock, identified as the neice of John Scarborough, was granted a certificate of removal from Falls to Buckingham MM, 7/1m/1743/4.[30]

v. Elizabeth Scarborough, d. 20 Jan. 1742 in Solebury Twp.; m. 29 Tenth Month (Dec.) 1719 John FISHER at Buckingham Meeting. They located on a farm in Carversville adjoining her sister Sarah HAWORTH. 12 children.[31]

vi. Hannah Scarborough, b. 31/8m/1704; d. 21/2m [Apr.] 1743; m. 27/5m [July] 1728 at Buckingham MM, Benjamin FELL; 6 children:

a) John Fell (b. 1/4m/1730);

b) Hannah Fell (b. 15/6m/1731, d. 5/7m/1731);

c) Asa Fell (b. 18/11m/1732);

d) Sarah Fell (b. 11/6m/1734, d. 12/12m/1734);

e) Phebe Fell (b. 27/1m/1736);

f) Benjamin Fell (b. 11/2m/1739).

Benjamin Fell m(2) Hannah __ and had three more children: Thomas Fell (b. 11/1m/1746); Deborah Fell (b. 14/7m/1747); Levi Fell (b. 23/6m/1749). Hannah (__) d. 27/11m/1755. Benjamin m(3) Sarah ROLLINS and had another son, Maurice Fell (b. 26/8m/1758).[32]

vii. John Scarborough, b. 31/8m [Oct.] 1704, he the twin of Hannah; d. 5/5m/1769; his marriage to Jane MARGERUM was reported to Falls MM on 2/4m [June] 1731; Jane then was granted a certificate of removal from Falls to Buckingham MM on 3/9m/1731.[33] no children; John was recorded as a minister ca. 1740. As a Friends’ minister he was very involved with antislavery, and travelled in the ministry in New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina. See John Woolman's Journal and David Ferris's Memoirs. William Reckitt, a Friend from Britain travelling in the ministry in America, 1757-1759, wrote:

I then crossed Delaware at the Falls, in order to see my friends once more in Bucks County, where there is a large body, and got to my worthy friend John Scarborough’s on fourth day [Wednesday] with whom I travelled several weeks both in the Jerseys and Maryland. I had great satisfaction in his company, he being a man of a good understanding, a tender spirit, and very serviceable in his church.[34]

viii. Robert Scarborough, b. 10 Aug. 1708; d. 19 Jan. 1805 in Union Co., Va,; inherited from his father a 157 acre farm in Solebury; sold it in 1737 and removed with wife Elizabeth (FISHER) and two children to the Shenandoah Valley, to what became Hopewell Monthly Meeting. The two children were John (b. 28/11m/1734) and Mary (b. 18/9m/1736).[35] John returned to Bucks County and married Margaret KIRK at Wrightstown MM 8 May 1760. They had 7 children from whom many of the Bucks Co. Scarboroughs are descended.

Robert sent the following letter from "Virginia Colony, Orange county, 9th month 5th, 1738" back to his brother John and his wife Jane in Solebury:

This comes with kind love to you and yours, and to our dear mother, and to all brothers and sisters, and to all our relations. hoping that you all are in the enjoyment of health, as we and our children are at present, thanks be to God for it. We got along pretty well, are settled now on 300 acres of land. We bought ye land, being good, with good meadows, and good water, with the consent of taking up 300 acres more. And a meeting is rent [sic] about a mile off, and a mill is building about as far off, and we liked ye place very well. We have bought and paid for two cows and we are in a likely way to do well by Divine assistance, yet [that] never fails them yet [that] those who trust in Him. Intend to come up in the fall if health permits. My wife is desires to be remembered to her friends, which is commendable, and desires thee to get a few lines from her old neighbors, which will be very satisfactory to us. So we remain your loving and well wishing brother and sister.

Robert Scarborough

Elizabeth Scarborough

P.S. I received thy letter a few days ago. I also received a letter from Benjamin Fell sometime before, which said letter gave us great satisfaction to receive all your welfare. This is ye fourth letter I have sent.[36]

Eventually Robert had 10 children with Elizabeth. Robert m(2) Mary BAILEY in 1750, and had 4 more children.[37] Third Generation in Pennsylvania

Mary Scarborough was born 8 Eighth Month 1695 in Middletown. She died on 10 January 1787 in Opeckan, Frederick County, Virginia. Mary married first Samuel PICKERING (the marriage reported to Falls Monthly Meeting on 7 Eleventh Month 1712). Samuel died 10 First Month [March] 1727/8. She married secondly Joseph LUPTON Jr in September 1730 in Buckingham Monthly Meeting.

Children of Samuel and Mary (Scarborough) Pickering:[38]

i. Mercy Pickering,

ii. John Pickering, b. 22 June 1715; d. 1 Feb. 1787; m. Hannah DAWS; at least 3 children. Hannah d. 14 12m [Dec.] 1796, ca. 85 yrs. old.

iii. Isaac Pickering, b. 23 Twelfth Mo. [Feb.] 1716/7; d. 27 May 1798; m. Sarah LUPTON; 9 children.

iv. Samuel Pickering, b. 20 Jan. 1718; m. Grace STACKHOUSE; 7 children.

v. William Pickering, b. 1/1/1727; d. 10 Jan. 1789; m.1749 Sarah WRIGHT, daughter of James and Mary Wright.

Children of her second husband, Joseph and Mary (Scarborough) Pickering Lupton:[39]

vi. John Lupton, d. 25 Dec. 1804 in Winchester, Frederick Co., Va.; m(1) 26 June 1755 at Opeckan Sarah FROST, daughter of John. Sarah was b. in 1735 in Chester Co., Pa., and d. 22 May 1775. John m(2) 13 June 1776 at Hopewell Ann NEILL Rees, daughter of Lewis Neill.

vii. Ann Lupton, b. 16 Mar. [or May ?] 1733; d. by 1806 in Newbury, S. Car.; m. 15 July 1773 at Hopewell Meeting Joseph THOMPSON. He was born 1728 in of Berkely County, Virginia, and died 1813 in Miami, Ohio.

viii. Mercy Lupton, b. 16 Mar. [or May ?] 1735; d. after 1760; m(1) in 1745 at Hopewell Meeting Joshua HAINES, son of Abram and Grace (HOLLINGSHEAD). Joshua d. 1754 and Mercy m(2) 1758 at Hopewell Meeting James McCORMICK.

ix. Jonathan B. Lupton, b. 11 Dec. [or Feb. ?] 1739; d. 23 Apr. 1819 in Jefferson Co., Ohio.; m. 23 May 1764 at Hopewell Meeting Sarah FAWCETT, daughter of John and Rebecca (IRESON); 9 children.

Elizabeth3 Scarborough was born in 1699 and died 20 January 1742 in Buckingham Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She married John FISHER in the Buckingham meeting house on 29 Tenth Month (December) 1719 under the care of Falls Monthly Meeting.[40] John died 12 Second Month (February) 1765. He may have been the John Fisher who was born 20 December 1672 in Clithero, Lancashire, England, the son of John and Margaret (HINDLE) Fisher. But although this is widely assumed I have not found satisfactory documentation to prove it. I would be delighted if a reader could help me here.

Elizabeth inherited a "Silver Spoon & a Pinquishin with a Drawer for it & a Pewter Still" from her father. Probably the still has long since disintegrated. I am not entirely clear what a "Pinquishin with a Drawer for it" is. But the silver spoon may very well have continued on down in some branch of her descendants. Does any reader know?

Elizabeth, dying before her husband, left no will. John's will was signed 15 Twelfth month 1756 and proved 13 March 1765. His eldest son Robert was named executor. He made provision for his lands in Buckingham and Plumstead. John mentioned his sons Robert, Joseph, Barak, and Samuel, and his daughters Mary BUTLER, Sarah MICHENER, Elizabeth STRADLING, Hannah PRESTON, and Deborah and Katharine Fisher.[41]

Children of John and Elizabeth (Scarborough) Fisher:[42]

i. Robert Fisher, b. 19/7m (Sept.) 1720; d. 29 May 1784.

ii. Sarah Fisher, b. 11/2m (Apr.) 1722; d. 1812 in New Garden, Pa.; m. 21/10m (Dec.) 1748 Mordecai MITCHENER.

iii. John Fisher, b. 25/10m (Dec.) 1723; d. 9/4m (June) 1752.

iv. Elizabeth Fisher, b. 14/7m [Sept.] 1725; d. 6/6m/1812 in New Garden, Pa.; m. 13/12m (Feb.) 1744 Thomas STRADLING, son of Thomas and Lydia (Doan); he requested a certificate from Wrightstown MM 6/9m/1744 to Buckingham MM to proceed in marriage with Elizabeth; 7 children.[43]

v. Hannah Scarborough Fisher, b. 13/4m [June] 1727; d. 13 Jan. 1822; m. 21 Nov. 1753 Paul PRESTON, son of Amor and Esther (Large); 7 children.

vi. Joseph Fisher, b. 24/7m [Sept.] 1729; d. 1819; m. 26 Nov. 1760 Ann CARY; 10 children listed in Buckingham MM records.

vii. Deborah Fisher, b. 5/1m [Mar.] 1733/4; d. 27 June 1822 in Fairfield, Highland Co., Ohio; m. 21 Dec. 1757 in Buckingham MM Joseph BURGESS; 11 children.

viii. Barak Fisher (Sr.), b. 19/2m [Apr.] 1736; d. 1784 in Clearbrook, Frederick Co., Va.; m. Mary BUTLER 18/2m/1761 and had 2 children recorded in Buckingham MM before they removed.

ix. Samuel Fisher, b. 29/3m [May] 1738; m. 11 Aug. 1762 Margaret DAWES; 5 children listed in Buckingham MM records.

x. Katherine Fisher, b. 28/4m [June] 1740; m. 30/11m/1757 William HARTLEY. The spelling of Katherine/Catherine's name varies from source to source. I do not know how she spelled it herself.

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